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  • a visitor at M.dame Beck's, and of whom I had been vaguely told that she was a "filleule," or god-daughter, of M. Emanuel's, and that between her mother, or aunt, or some other female relation of hers, and the Professor, had existed of old a special friendship.

    Villette Charlotte Bront�� 1835

  • Also: filleule = goddaughter filleul de guerre = adoptive son (in wartime)

    Savoir Vivre 2010

  • Also: filleule = goddaughter filleul de guerre = adoptive son (in wartime)

    Traditions 2008

  • Also: filleule = goddaughter filleul de guerre = adoptive son (in wartime)

    Culture 2006

  • When my filleule first drove into Dayton she had some singularly audacious ideas of her own.

    Complete Short Works of George Meredith George Meredith 1868

  • 'If we have missed an early apprenticeship to the habit of self-command, ma filleule.'

    The Gentleman of Fifty George Meredith 1868

  • When my filleule first drove into Dayton she had some singularly audacious ideas of her own.

    Complete Project Gutenberg Works of George Meredith George Meredith 1868

  • When my filleule first drove into Dayton she had some singularly audacious ideas of her own.

    The Gentleman of Fifty George Meredith 1868

  • 'If we have missed an early apprenticeship to the habit of self-command, ma filleule.'

    Complete Project Gutenberg Works of George Meredith George Meredith 1868

  • 'If we have missed an early apprenticeship to the habit of self-command, ma filleule.'

    Complete Short Works of George Meredith George Meredith 1868


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