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  • There was further hissy-fittage when she discovered that her coat wouldn't go on over her overstuffed backpack, until she settled upon throwing a sweater over her shoulders like a cape and pulling a fuzzy snow hat - complete with ear flaps - over her head.

    Ooooh, She's A Little Runaway... 2008

  • There was further hissy-fittage when she discovered that her coat wouldn't go on over her overstuffed backpack, until she settled upon throwing a sweater over her shoulders like a cape and pulling a fuzzy snow hat - complete with ear flaps - over her head.

    Archive 2008-04-13 2008

  • There was further hissy-fittage when she discovered that her coat wouldn’t go on over her overstuffed backpack, until she settled upon throwing a sweater over her shoulders like a cape and pulling a fuzzy snow hat – complete with ear flaps – over her head.

    Ooooh, She’s A Little Runaway… | Her Bad Mother 2008


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