
from The Century Dictionary.

  • noun In horticulture, the art or practice of raising plants by artificial heat, at a season earlier than the natural one.
  • noun In gunnery, the act of making a bullet take the grooves of a rifle.

from the GNU version of the Collaborative International Dictionary of English.

  • noun The accomplishing of any purpose violently, precipitately, prematurely, or with unusual expedition.
  • noun (Gardening) The art of raising plants, flowers, and fruits at an earlier season than the natural one, as in a hitbed or by the use of artificial heat.
  • noun a plant bed having an under layer of fermenting manure, the fermentation yielding bottom heat for forcing plants; a hotbed.
  • noun a fire engine.
  • noun (Mech.) a tight fit, as of one part into a hole in another part, which makes it necessary to use considerable force in putting the two parts together.
  • noun a greenhouse for the forcing of plants, fruit trees, etc.
  • noun a powerful press for putting together or separating two parts that are fitted tightly one into another, as for forcing a crank on a shaft, or for drawing off a car wheel from the axle.
  • noun See Force pump (b).

from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • noun horticulture The art of raising plants at an earlier season than is normal, especially by using a hotbed
  • noun photography An extension in the development time of an underexposed negative in order to bring out detail
  • noun set theory A technique used to prove the consistency of certain axioms in set theory
  • verb Present participle of force.


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  • Tim may or may not be correct in claiming that Willis misused the term forcing, but what physical difference does it make?

    Hansen and Schmidt: Predicting the Past? « Climate Audit 2006

  • Player Uno defended his title forcing Kevin Steen to tap to the Sharpshooter in 12: 21. Week in Review 2009

  • Change is a statute teeming with "shall" - a term forcing its targets to comply.

    The Seattle Times 2009

  • The term forcing is used to indicate that Earth’s radiative balance is being pushed away from its normal state.

    Climate change FAQs 2008

  • Sunspot activity has been historically quite high since the 1970s, and if this correlates to climate as much data suggest, a fair amount of the warming attributed to CO2 forcing is actually due to solar cycles.

    Matthew Yglesias » Today in Pessimism 2009

  • Sunspot activity has been historically quite high since the 1970s, and if this correlates to climate as much data suggest, a fair amount of the warming attributed to CO2 forcing is actually due to solar cycles.

    Matthew Yglesias » Today in Pessimism 2009

  • The state was active in forcing irresponsible lending - I have pointed out the Community Reinvestment Act before - if this crisis started in the USA, it started with this piece of legislation from 1977 which forced banks to lend to poor credit risks. "innovative products" were aplauded by the regulators, who were instead focussing on investment advisors 'dilligence in form filling.

    Gordon Brown's economic "genius" exposed Not a sheep 2009

  • Carter was a conspirator in forcing Anne Dunham and Father Obama to conceive in a evil conspiracy to make the spawn president 47 years later and then he used a Super Soaker to prod Father Obama back to Kenya.

    Think Progress » Chuck Todd: ‘The Tea Party gets a big benefit’ from Fox News’ promotion. 2010

  • This feature is awesome in forcing colleges and universities to evaluate the benefits of the expensive programs and customs. shah8 says:

    Matthew Yglesias » The Impact of Title IX 2010

  • CO2 forcing is only one aspect of that, and the problems come in trying to understand what all the other factors are, how they actually work in practice, and building a total model that gets it right, essentially.

    Matthew Yglesias » Today in Pessimism 2009

  • Climate change caused by human activity is called "anthropogenic forcing".

    2 Key Climate Terms to Know Lisa Moore 2008


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