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  • In the old days, people were supposed to mourn their relatives seven weeks, seven times seven, fortynine days.

    the secret sense Tan, Amy 1995

  • He's in a broken-down exotic flyer in a parking orbit fortynine thousand kloms out, going around and around the world with the dead body of his lady.

    The Golden Torc May, Julian, 1931- 1981

  • The relayed radio message we had received just fortynine hours ago had been the last.

    Ice Station Zebra MacLean, Alistair, 1922-1987 1963

  • A fund of two millions and a half for sixteen years amounts to forty millions, but twentyfive millions at six per cent simple interest will in that time amount to fortynine millions, supposing the interest annually paid; hence it is evident, that a sinking fund of one million operating on such a loan of twentyfive millions, will make

    The Diplomatic Correspondence of the American Revolution, Vol. I Jared Sparks 1827


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