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  • Werwal's case was set for fourday of the next eightday - before Lord Justicer Reynol and two days after Kharl was to present his credentials to Lord West.

    Ordermaster Modesitt, L. E. 2005

  • The streets of Brysta looked no different on fourday than they had on any other day.

    Ordermaster Modesitt, L. E. 2005

  • XVII Early on fourday, after his breakfast, Kharl walked to the study Hagen used and waited outside in the corridor for the lord-chancellor, who was expected soon.

    Ordermaster Modesitt, L. E. 2005

  • XLIX Late on fourday afternoon, Kharl stepped out of the Hall of Justice and looked across the square toward the tavern.

    Ordermaster Modesitt, L. E. 2005

  • - The Basis of Order XXIX Kharl slept poorly on fourday night, even though they had not reached the Great House until after sunset, what with the clouds and the downpour that had swept in, seemingly from nowhere, turning the roads into muddy quagmires and extending a journey of perhaps two glasses into one three times that long.

    Ordermaster Modesitt, L. E. 2005

  • The streets were not quite so busy as usual on a fourday, but they were far from deserted.

    Ordermaster Modesitt, L. E. 2005

  • In midafternoon on fourday, Kharl and Erdyl stood at the port railing on the poop deck, watching as Furwyl brought the Seastag toward the breakwaters that marked the entrance to the harbor at Brysta.

    Ordermaster Modesitt, L. E. 2005

  • On fourday, he was to present himself to the lord justicer's chief clerk in Valmurl to begin his hurried study of law.

    Ordermaster Modesitt, L. E. 2005

  • LXXVI On fourday, Kharl dressed to appear in the Hall of Justice.

    Ordermaster Modesitt, L. E. 2005

  • When Kharl woke on fourday, he was still worrying, but he had some ideas.

    Ordermaster Modesitt, L. E. 2005


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