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  • Swagman Samuel Hoffmeister died at the fourmile billabong during the 1894 shearers strike.

    Billy McLean 1992

  • This was a fourmile diversion canal and is still in operation.

    A Troubled Artery 1966

  • From their wide porches, these Navy luminaries would have splendid views of Apra Harbor, a fourmile long anchorage that would soon be the second busiest war port in the world, behind Antwerp.

    The Story of World War II Donald L. Miller 1945

  • From their wide porches, these Navy luminaries would have splendid views of Apra Harbor, a fourmile long anchorage that would soon be the second busiest war port in the world, behind Antwerp.

    The Story of World War II Donald L. Miller 1945

  • So when the troops spoke longingly of returning to the good old days, when Roy Boehm, Two’s first CO, would lead the men through two hours of PT — Physical Training — in the mornings, followed by a fourmile run to the Oysterman’s Club, where they’d drink beer the rest of the day, I listened.

    Rogue Warrior Marcinko, Richard 1992


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