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  • Her gown could only be called by its ancient name of "fourreau," so tightly was she sheathed within it, after the fashion of the eighteenth century.

    The Brotherhood of Consolation Honor�� de Balzac 1824

  • In practical decisions this spirit was always sheathed in a fourreau de prudence, a scabbard of caution.30

    Champlain's Dream David Hackett Fischer 2008

  • In practical decisions this spirit was always sheathed in a fourreau de prudence, a scabbard of caution.30

    Champlain's Dream David Hackett Fischer 2008

  • "Here are samples of the latter: _ecclesiastiques, coeur de roche, a deau eaux, fourreau, chateau d'eau_, and so on.

    The Cab of the Sleeping Horse John Reed Scott


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