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  • In this particular tale, Yamada is hired by an important nobleman to track down his runaway wife who actually turned out to be a fox-spirit in disguise.

    April 19th, 2009 douglascohen 2009

  • And while the lord still loves his fox-spirit wife, what he truly wants back is their son, whom she seems to have absconded with.

    April 19th, 2009 douglascohen 2009

  • When the fox-spirit entered her body, her feet suddenly shrivelled up and became very similar in shape and size to the feet of the animal who had her in his power.

    A Chinese Wonder Book Norman Hinsdale Pitman 1900

  • Joining Kantarou is the oni-eating tengu known as Haruka and a fox-spirit named Yoko.

    DVD Talk 2010

  • Then in walks a gaijin, a white woman, saying a few words I understand: "mountain fox-spirit".

    The Denver Newspaper Agency Stories Amy Law 2009

  • Also included is the bonus story, "Full-Fledged Housekeeper," about a fox-spirit who is trying to become a full fledged member of his society.

    Manga Maniac Cafe 2008

  • This requires living undetected among humans, and earning points to win a position in the fox-spirit world.

    Manga Maniac Cafe 2008

  • "He's just what you saw as a kid: a fox-spirit, a shape-changer.

    Chrome Circle Lackey, Mercedes 1994

  • "He's just what you saw as a kid: a fox-spirit, a shape-changer.

    Omnibus Lackey, Mercedes 1993

  • "He's just what you saw as a kid: a fox-spirit, a shape-changer.

    The Chrome Borne Lackey, Mercedes 1993


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