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  • Winston-Smith is entitled to wallow in his petty-minded francophobia but he has no right to forbid Tancred and Margaret Muller-Johansson from commenting on the UK because they do not live there.

    On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with... 2009

  • Writing in the International Herald Tribune last week, France's National Assembly speaker, Philippe Seguin, contended that France's arsenal could evolve into a European arsenal -- and he accused those who oppose the offer of "bad faith and outlandish francophobia."

    France Blows It Again 2008

  • There is also periodic wine schizophrenia: dumping excellent bottles of Burgundy and Sauterne, even Champagne, during a crazed spell of francophobia, and then convincing oneself that the Shiraz from California or the plonk from Australia is just as good.

    Joan Z. Shore: Why The Americans Hate The French 2008

  • La Presse, Quebec's largest French-language newspaper, accused the Toronto Globe and Mail of "" minimizing the extent of the damage '' because of "" francophobia. ''

    Canadians On Ice 2008

  • I know many dislike the francophobia that has occurred since the dispute between the Bush Admin and the French over the Iraq war.

    The bass-ackwardness of ID proponents - The Panda's Thumb 2005

  • I know many dislike the francophobia that has occurred since the dispute between the Bush Admin and the French over the Iraq war.

    The bass-ackwardness of ID proponents - The Panda's Thumb 2005

  • American francophobia attempts some analysis of the phenomenon, explaining that the French have long been the butt of American jokes like the English with their anti-Irish jokes, and the French with their anti-Belgian jokes.

    crawling off the plate 2004

  • I hate France is a website unashamedly devoted to francophobia, including a selection of ‘jokes’ about the French, mostly following a rather unimaginative pattern similar to this one:

    francophobia in the USA 2004

  • I have to say I have never encountered blatant francophobia from Americans…BUT, I live close to a big city DC on the east coast in a blue state, and not in the heart of the country.

    francophobia in the USA 2004

  • I hate France is a website unashamedly devoted to francophobia, including a selection of ‘jokes’ about the French, mostly following a rather unimaginative pattern similar to this one:

    crawling off the plate 2004


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