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  • In the morning, the light of false dawn woke him, and he opened his eyes and turned his face to the light in time to see the rising of the sun on freshmade world.

    The Man Who Left Chelm Steven Barnes 2010

  • In the morning, the light of false dawn woke him, and he opened his eyes and turned his face to the light in time to see the rising of the sun on freshmade world.

    Archive 2010-04-01 Steven Barnes 2010

  • But thank you to Chef Cosentino, I am craving more freshmade pasta now.

    San Francisco - All Work, No Play... But Definitely Good Eating e d b m 2007

  • But thank you to Chef Cosentino, I am craving more freshmade pasta now.

    Archive 2007-09-01 e d b m 2007

  • From some cause or other I neglected for two or three weeks to do this, and one day, when the freshmade butter was brought to table, there were complaints that it was _cheesy_; it certainly had a peculiar and very unpleasant taste, for which we could not account.

    Our Farm of Four Acres and the Money we Made by it Miss Coulton

  • As well, they touted Lush’s “handmade, freshmade” philosophy, which goes as far as to identify the soapmaker for each product by name and photo.

    Good Clean Fun | Seattle Metblogs 2005


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