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  • The value and higher price of frontwheel drive could not justify its added cost.

    Executive Economics SHLOMO MAITAL 1994

  • The value and higher price of frontwheel drive could not justify its added cost.

    Executive Economics SHLOMO MAITAL 1994

  • Nearly ninety per cent of our current products are now frontwheel-drive, and when we add our all-new front-wheeldrive mini-vans and wagons in Windsor, Ontario, at a total investment of $700 million, we will be a totally front-wheel-drive company.

    The Chrysler Syndrome 1981

  • When the facility is operating at capacity, it will produce annually about one million transmission and final drive assemblies for frontwheel-drive application.

    The Automotive Industry Meets its Biggest Challenge 1980

  • It's not four-wheel drive-it's frontwheel drive-and putting the big black pod on top further lowers the gas mileage, but it's still pretty efficient.

    Pharyngula 2010

  • Secondly, spending $42,000 for a stripped frontwheel drive 4 cylinder does not constitute a good value especially considering additional options will push that well over $50k without changing the previous fact.

    Motor Trend Videos RSS 2009


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