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  • My shoulders take up where my words have left off, shimmying over to a selection of beautiful objects; there, my back follows suit and, in one abrupt turn, I find my dos* in a mock frottement* pretending to rub up against the decor as if to underline my spoken wish.

    frotter - French Word-A-Day 2006

  • My shoulders take up where my words have left off, shimmying over to a selection of beautiful objects; there, my back follows suit and, in one abrupt turn, I find my dos* in a mock frottement* pretending to rub up against the decor as if to underline my spoken wish.

    French Word-A-Day: 2006

  • My shoulders take up where my words have left off, shimmying over to a selection of beautiful objects; there, my back follows suit and, in one abrupt turn, I find my dos* in a mock frottement* pretending to rub up against the decor as if to underline my spoken wish.

    French Word-A-Day: 2006

  • Recherches sur les Causes des principaux Faits physiques, et particulièrement sur celles de la Combustion, de l'Elévation de l'eau dans l'état de vapeurs; de la Chaleur produite par le frottement des corps solides entre eux; de la Chaleur qui se rend sensible dans les décompositions subites, dans les effervescences et dans le corps de beaucoup d'animaux pendant la durée de leur vie; de la Causticité, de la

    Lamarck, the Founder of Evolution His Life and Work 1872

  • Le frottement ufoit les pieds-pendants de PEiueu et le Tourteau fuperieur.

    Scriptorvm rei rvsticae vetervm latinorvm tomvs primvs-[qvartvs].. 1794


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