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  • Did it mean she could return to Romulus and demand her birthright as a fullblood?

    CATALYST OF SORROWS Margaret Wander Bonanno 2004

  • Did it mean she could return to Romulus and demand her birthright as a fullblood?

    CATALYST OF SORROWS Margaret Wander Bonanno 2004

  • And on the other hand, completely illogical that she should ever trust a fullblood.

    Elvenborn Lackey, Mercedes 2002

  • When had she ever met any fullblood who'd treated her with a fraction of the courtesy that Mero had, even in the few moments since they'd met?

    Elvenblood Lackey, Mercedes 1995

  • "We are going to have to convince this Jamal that we aren't fullblood elves and we can't do illusions," Keman continued urgently.

    Elvenblood Lackey, Mercedes 1995

  • "As if they couldn't believe that a fullblood would revolt against a mad sadist like Dyran."

    Elvenblood Lackey, Mercedes 1995

  • If they choose to press the subject, that won't explain why I looked like a fullblood from the beginning, but if she pretends to go insane, all they'll do is lock her up in Lord Tylar's keeping.

    Elvenblood Lackey, Mercedes 1995

  • "There are those who think you may be planted on us by the elven lords, or that you may even be a fullblood-"

    The Elvenbane Lackey, Mercedes 1991

  • It occurred to him at that point that perhaps the halfbloods had missed an excellent chance to assassinate Dyran-all anyone would have had to do was to put on an illusion of fullblood-

    The Elvenbane Lackey, Mercedes 1991

  • That way you can work a glamorie to look like a fullblood human, and be able to work as an agent for us.

    The Elvenbane Lackey, Mercedes 1991


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