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  • Location: Washington, D.C. First Pitch: 7: 05 p.m. Outlook: Still a long way out, but it does not look to be a fullday washout, which is the first step to getting nice weather.

    StrasCast: One last hurdle 2010

  • After all, why would an employee accept government wages if he actually had to work a fullday?

    The Volokh Conspiracy » Is Nothing Sacred?: 2007

  • We're going to give local communities to meet the new needs of parents and children with fullday and full-year programs, which I think is very important.

    President On Head Start Reauthorization Bill Signing ITY National Archives 1994

  • The school offers half-day and fullday prekindergarten for children ages and 4 and full-day classes for kindergarten grade 8; a five-day lunch program; an after-care program; a curriculum including major subject areas, art, computer literacy, library, music, physical education and Spanish; and a variety of extracurricular activities and sports.

    East Brunswick Sentinel 2010


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