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  • I had to input and pathogenize the memes, I claim the gainings.

    365 tomorrows » 2009 » January : A New Free Flash Fiction SciFi Story Every Day 2009

  • My portion of my father's worldly effects added something considerable to my own gainings; and, resigning my situation, I bade farewell to the crook and plaid.

    The Modern Scottish Minstrel, Volume IV. The Songs of Scotland of the Past Half Century Various

  • Everything was explained in it -- everything made clear; and gradually she realised the natural, strong and pardonable craving of the rich, unloved man, to seek out for himself some means whereby he might leave all his world's gainings to one whose kindness to him had not been measured by any knowledge of his wealth, but which had been bestowed upon him solely for simple love's sake.

    The Treasure of Heaven A Romance of Riches Marie Corelli 1889

  • Now I, for example, started in life to make money -- I made it, and it brought me power, which I thought progress; but now, at the end of my tether, I see plainly that I have done no good in my career save such good as will come from my having placed all my foolish gainings under the control of

    The Treasure of Heaven A Romance of Riches Marie Corelli 1889

  • There is no ebb and flow in his metre more than on the shores of the Adriatic, but wave follows wave with equable gainings and recessions, the one sliding back in fluent music to be mingled with and carried forward by the next.

    Among My Books Second Series James Russell Lowell 1855

  • Second is their superior customer service and training which is really the impetus for them gainings in new large customers during the quarter, and third is the addition of some new standard and high-tech products into their portfolio of products and just during this quarter, we can see evidence of that as they picked up a new line of modular component tree which is already starting to help with their book of business. Home Page 2008

  • Exchange) to dispose of their wares; having obtained a cast in a waggon there and back, and carrying home faithfully every penny of their gainings, to deposit in the common stock.

    The Ground-Ash Mary Russell Mitford 1821


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