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  • Not long afterwards a gamewarden came by, and asked if she had her fishing license with her.

    Joke Contest. Anybody in? 2009

  • Not long afterwards a gamewarden came by, and asked if she had her fishing license with her.

    Joke Contest. Anybody in? 2009

  • I pointed the gamewarden in a general direciton as to where the man came from and three more gamewardens were able to find the house.

    A List of Firearms Superlatives 2007

  • Every detachment is a pocket government in itself, the Sergeant or Corporal in charge having the powers of a postmaster, gamewarden, justice of the peace, and in fact, all the authority necessary to enable him to represent the government.

    The Royal Mounted Police in the Arctic 1928

  • And no i dont hold with the whackjobs in peta etc. im a hunter since 13 and have a degree in biology, zoology, bothany, chemistry etc.. basically educated as a highlvl. state gamewarden .. and i have a big soft heart for frigtened little things that isnt hurting your property a bit by being there (the only reason why the baby deer didnt run away was that it was so newbourne that it couldnt walk well yet and so therefore wasnt weened of milk .. not eating any plants in the garden but just hiding there)

    Elderly Women Charged With Beating Fawn To Death 2009

  • And no i dont hold with the whackjobs in peta etc. im a hunter since 13 and have a degree in biology, zoology, bothany, chemistry etc.. basically educated as a highlvl. state gamewarden .. and i have a big soft heart for frigtened little things that isnt hurting your property a bit by being there (the only reason why the baby deer didnt run away was that it was so newbourne that it couldnt walk well yet and so therefore wasnt weened of milk .. not eating any plants in the garden but just hiding there)

    Elderly Women Charged With Beating Fawn To Death 2009


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