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  • In a healthy world there would be no demand for tinned foods, aspirins, gramophones, gaspipe chairs, machine guns, daily newspapers, telephones, motor-cars, etc., etc.; and on the other hand there would be a constant demand for the things the machine cannot produce.

    The Road to Wigan Pier 2004

  • The face was drawn, the eyes haggard, the general appearance that of one who has searched for the leak in life's gaspipe with a lighted candle.

    I can't go on, I'll go on 2004

  • Food was pleasant; the sun hot; and this killing oneself, how does one set about it, with a table knife, uglily, with floods of blood, — by sucking a gaspipe?

    Mrs. Dalloway 2003

  • One of those manholes like a bloody gaspipe and there was the poor devil stuck down in it, half choked with sewer gas.

    Ulysses 2003

  • Fred took a great interest in the affair and after a while asked the young man to make a visit to his office and adjust one to his gaspipe.

    Halsey & Co. or, The Young Bankers and Speculators H. K. Shackleford

  • What is called a "string light," viz., a piece of gaspipe with fishtail burners at frequent intervals, connected with the permanent gas arrangements of the house by a piece of india rubber tube, and fixed in a vertical position behind each side of the temporary proscenium, will be found very effective; one or the other set of lights being turned up, as may be necessary.

    Entertainments for Home, Church and School Frederica Seeger

  • The kind of person who hates central heating and gaspipe chairs is also the kind of person who, when you mention Socialism, murmurs something about ‘beehive state’ and moves away with a pained expression.

    The Road to Wigan Pier 1937

  • In a healthy world there would be no demand for tinned foods, aspirins, gramophones, gaspipe chairs, machine guns, daily newspapers, telephones, motor-cars, etc., etc.; and on the other hand there would be a constant demand for the things the machine cannot produce.

    The Road to Wigan Pier 1937

  • You have the aspect of one whom Fate has smitten in the spiritual solar plexus, or of one who has been searching for the leak in Life's gaspipe with a lighted candle.

    Piccadilly Jim 1928

  • In the dim light, I saw the figure of a policeman standing tiptoe upon a satin chair, plugging with soap the broken gaspipe which had once supported the Hawkins 'chandelier.

    Mr. Hawkins' Humorous Adventures Edgar Franklin 1918


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