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  • A century ago, the great British geopolitician, Sir Halford Mackinder, called Kashmir one of the world's primary strategic pivots -- the nexus of continents, empires, and civilizations.

    Eric Margolis: Kashmir Could Start a Nuclear War Eric Margolis 2010

  • A century ago, the great British geopolitician, Sir Halford Mackinder, called Kashmir one of the world's primary strategic pivots -- the nexus of continents, empires, and civilizations.

    Eric Margolis: Kashmir Could Start a Nuclear War Eric Margolis 2010

  • A century ago, the great British geopolitician, Sir Halford Mackinder, called Kashmir one of the world's primary strategic pivots -- the nexus of continents, empires, and civilizations.

    Eric Margolis: Kashmir Could Start a Nuclear War Eric Margolis 2010

  • A century ago, the great British geopolitician, Sir Halford Mackinder, called Kashmir one of the world's primary strategic pivots -- the nexus of continents, empires, and civilizations.

    Eric Margolis: Kashmir Could Start a Nuclear War Eric Margolis 2010

  • A century ago, the great British geopolitician, Sir Halford Mackinder, called Kashmir one of the world's primary strategic pivots -- the nexus of continents, empires, and civilizations.

    Eric Margolis: Kashmir Could Start a Nuclear War Eric Margolis 2010

  • A century ago, the great British geopolitician, Sir Halford Mackinder, called Kashmir one of the world's primary strategic pivots -- the nexus of continents, empires, and civilizations.

    Eric Margolis: Kashmir Could Start a Nuclear War Eric Margolis 2010

  • The geopolitician in question, of course, was that great Irish-American, Tin Pan Alley's own George M. Cohan.

    Tony Blankley: To Die for an Exit Strategy 2009

  • That brought to mind the advice almost a century ago of an American geopolitician describing the only exit strategy worth considering:

    Tony Blankley: To Die for an Exit Strategy 2009

  • That brought to mind the advice almost a century ago of an American geopolitician describing the only exit strategy worth considering: Over there, over there Send the word, send the word, Over there That the Yanks are coming, The Yanks are coming, The drums rum tumming every where So prepare, Say a prayer Send the word, Send the word to beware We\'ll be over, we\'re coming over.

    Tony Blankley: To Die for an Exit Strategy 2009

  • For instance, Zbigniew Brzezinski, the former U.S. national security adviser and consummate geopolitician, argues in a recent Foreign Affairs essay that NATO should focus on building security relationships with the world.

    John Feffer: Afghanistan: NATO's Graveyard? 2009


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