
from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • adjective comparative form of giggly: more giggly


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  • Predominantly female, predominantly upwards of middle-aged but with a visible smattering of far younger and far gigglier women, the Thursday-night crowd seems chatty and excited, and not particularly different from the audience you'd expect to see the following evening, when Cannon and Ball are due to hit Hertfordshire.

    Among the psychics 2011

  • That had me gigglier than a few bubblies on the eve of one of those firework days.

    Fellay watch 2009

  • It made me want to act lighter and gigglier just because the name sounds so funny and light. "

    <i>Know Your Poppy!</i> The Fauxcialite Poppy Lifton 2009

  • It made me want to act lighter and gigglier just because the name sounds so funny and light. "

    <i>Know Your Poppy!</i> The Fauxcialite Poppy Lifton 2009

  • As did, in a gigglier way, Drew Barrymore, who won the prize for best actress in a television mini-series ( - Latest Videos 2010


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