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  • All these misfortunes had quite wearied her out; she was starving with hunger, and hurried on to the fire, hoping for a nice hot sweet girdle-cake.

    Tales of the Punjab 1894

  • All these misfortunes had quite wearied her out; she was starving with hunger, and hurried on to the fire, hoping for a nice hot sweet girdle-cake.

    Tales of the Punjab Flora Annie Steel 1888

  • Annie was so far fortunate as to get a refreshing draught of really good milk from a woman who stood by a cottage door, and who gave her a piece of girdle-cake to eat with it.

    A World of Girls The Story of a School L. T. Meade 1884

  • Friday, the same state of things: a little flour had been discovered in a discarded flour-bag, and we had a sort of girdle-cake and water.

    Station Life in New Zealand 1871

  • "I am going to see my grand-mamma, and carry her a girdle-cake, and a little pot of butter, from my mamma." 2009


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