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  • By comparison to most of his ballets, which were performed on a virtually bare stage with minimal costumes, these had an almost Radio City glitziness in their sets and costumes.

    Howard Kissel: From Deadly Sins to Whipped Cream Howard Kissel 2011

  • By comparison to most of his ballets, which were performed on a virtually bare stage with minimal costumes, these had an almost Radio City glitziness in their sets and costumes.

    Howard Kissel: From Deadly Sins to Whipped Cream Howard Kissel 2011

  • If there's a lesson for Worldcon here, it's that there's a lot of corporate money out there, so if you're tired of relying on volunteer labor, or want to add more glitziness to the Hugos, you might look into siphoning some of it off.

    MIND MELD: What Can Worldcon and Comic-Con Learn From Each Other? 2009

  • In size, glitziness, and overall excitement, Macau feels much more like Atlantic City — really, like an especially large concentration of Indian casinos in California — than Las Vegas.

    Macau’s Big Gamble 2007

  • They say the atmosphere isn't up to the usual glitziness, and that's a sign of the times:

    Beth Arnold: Letter From Paris: Greed Heard Round The World 2009

  • In size, glitziness, and overall excitement, Macau feels much more like Atlantic City — really, like an especially large concentration of Indian casinos in California — than Las Vegas.

    Macau’s Big Gamble 2007

  • Photographer Annie Leibovitz – famous of course for capturing the excesses and glitziness of superstars - is in financial difficulty so grave that, having used them as collateral, she could lose the rights to her entire back-catalogue of work.

    Smoking Guns and the Morality of Parliamentary Privilege 2009

  • Photographer Annie Leibovitz – famous of course for capturing the excesses and glitziness of superstars - is in financial difficulty so grave that, having used them as collateral, she could lose the rights to her entire back-catalogue of work.

    The Leibovitz dilemma 2009

  • Photographer Annie Leibovitz – famous of course for capturing the excesses and glitziness of superstars - is in financial difficulty so grave that, having used them as collateral, she could lose the rights to her entire back-catalogue of work.

    Gordon Brown, Charlie Whelan and Me 2009

  • You'd think the proximity of the election and the glitziness of the guests would have much more effect.

    Archive 2007-08-01 Ann Althouse 2007


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