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  • NEW YORK - In a year that delivered Hurricane Irene and one of the most powerful earthquakes to hit the East Coast, the term "go-bag" - which grew common after 9/11 and is defined by the New York City Office of Emergency Management as "a collection of items you can use in the event of an evacuation" - has become as much a part of the city's parlance as MetroCard and Gray's Papaya.

    The Seattle Times 2011

  • This is the hyperventilating "always keep your go-bag packed" stage.

    Odin's Day holme 2009

  • He plans for inevitable disasters, drawing up a list of items to put in a go-bag in the event of a sudden genocide EpiPens, iPod, Zyrtec.

    Tales of A Gloomy Optimist Alexandra Alter 2012

  • The same size as your basic plastic grocery bag, the Workhorse Bag boasts a carrying capacity of up to 25 pounds but collapses into a very small pouch you can easily fit in your go-bag.

    ACME Workhorse Bags | Lifehacker Australia 2008

  • The same size as your basic plastic grocery bag, the Workhorse Bag boasts a carrying capacity of up to 25 pounds but collapses into a very small pouch you can easily fit in your go-bag.

    Wednesday, January 23, 2008 | Lifehacker Australia 2008

  • With that, he kissed his wife, got out of bed, threw on some comfortable travel clothes, checked on each of his four kids, grabbed his go-bag, which was always packed, left a brief note by the coffeepot, and was out the door.

    Extreme Measures Vince Flynn 2009

  • Ten seconds later I had my go-bag in one hand and a scratched book in the other.

    Suburban Fantasy | Live Granades 2009

  • I've been trying out ways to fix this, and maybe the best solution is a "go-bag," something that I can prop by the door, and always grab as I head out.

    Graham Hill: Being Green is Not Easy... When I Forget 2008

  • The same size as your basic plastic grocery bag, the Workhorse Bag boasts a carrying capacity of up to 25 pounds but collapses into a very small pouch you can easily fit in your go-bag.

    ACME Workhorse Bags | Lifehacker Australia 2008

  • The same size as your basic plastic grocery bag, the Workhorse Bag boasts a carrying capacity of up to 25 pounds but collapses into a very small pouch you can easily fit in your go-bag.

    Wednesday, January 23, 2008 | Lifehacker Australia 2008


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