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  • Friday's goat-man brings only famine and ruined metatarsals.

    Post-Op David Woodruff 2011

  • The accusation was that the bearded head was Baphomet, a grotesque representation of the devil, typically seen as a goat-man, that the Knights Templar used in their worship of Satan.

    The Shroud Codex Ph.D Jerome R. Corsi 2010

  • I believe that Derek White, our resident goat-man, may have posted a fainting goat video.

    The Rolls-Royce of Sheep | clusterflock 2010

  • When I was working with the creature design class on drawing the goat-man Pan, I got to hold Billy the goat for about three hours, and everyone came up and patted him Billy loved the attention.

    Gryposaurus, Part 1 James Gurney 2009

  • Under strict instructions not to kill anything in the area, Geralt has to engage the goat-man in a particularly preposterous wrestling match.

    Archive 2007-04-01 Adam Whitehead 2007

  • Under strict instructions not to kill anything in the area, Geralt has to engage the goat-man in a particularly preposterous wrestling match.

    The Last Wish by Andrzej Sapkowski Adam Whitehead 2007

  • The comic highlight comes when Geralt and his sometimes travelling troubadour companion Dandillion are confronted by some kind of bizarre goat-man entity whose preferred method of combat is to pelt attackers with iron balls.

    The Last Wish by Andrzej Sapkowski Adam Whitehead 2007

  • The comic highlight comes when Geralt and his sometimes travelling troubadour companion Dandillion are confronted by some kind of bizarre goat-man entity whose preferred method of combat is to pelt attackers with iron balls.

    Archive 2007-04-01 Adam Whitehead 2007

  • Half the table was for the Lady and her entourage, her robots and ladies and foxes, her tree-man, her goat-man, and men with extra eyes or extra limbs or a man missing a head.

    Orphans of Chaos 2005

  • The headless body reached out with its fingers and turned the severed head on its silver plate till it faced the goat-man.

    Orphans of Chaos 2005


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