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  • In Gibson's case it appears that everyone was so focused on not approving of his so-called "golddigging" girlfriend whom Gibson accused of extortion that whether or not he knocked her teeth loose became secondary to whether or not she was trying to possibly turn his knocking her teeth loose to her financial advantage.

    Keli Goff: Is it Worse to Be a Racist or a Rapist? What Gibson, Brown and Polanski Teach Us Keli Goff 2010

  • In Gibson's case it appears that everyone was so focused on not approving of his so-called "golddigging" girlfriend (whom Gibson accused of extortion) that whether or not he knocked her teeth loose became secondary to whether or not she was trying to possibly turn his knocking her teeth loose to her financial advantage.

    Keli Goff: Is it Worse to Be a Racist or a Rapist? What Gibson, Brown and Polanski Teach Us 2010

  • In Gibson's case it appears that everyone was so focused on not approving of his so-called "golddigging" girlfriend whom Gibson accused of extortion that whether or not he knocked her teeth loose became secondary to whether or not she was trying to possibly turn his knocking her teeth loose to her financial advantage.

    Keli Goff: Is it Worse to Be a Racist or a Rapist? What Gibson, Brown and Polanski Teach Us Keli Goff 2010

  • In Gibson's case it appears that everyone was so focused on not approving of his so-called "golddigging" girlfriend (whom Gibson accused of extortion) that whether or not he knocked her teeth loose became secondary to whether or not she was trying to possibly turn his knocking her teeth loose to her financial advantage.

    Keli Goff: Is it Worse to Be a Racist or a Rapist? What Gibson, Brown and Polanski Teach Us 2010

  • It's a new resource that allows bitter sad sacks to stick it to their "golddigging" exes without ever leaving the sofa.

    Pop Crunch Castina 2010

  • "golddigging" girlfriend (whom Gibson accused of extortion) that whether or not he knocked her teeth loose became secondary to whether or not she was trying to possibly turn his knocking her teeth loose to her financial advantage. Main RSS Feed 2010

  • "golddigging" girlfriend (whom Gibson accused of extortion) that whether or not he knocked her teeth loose became secondary to whether or not she was trying to possibly turn his knocking her teeth loose to her financial advantage. Main RSS Feed 2010

  • Mr. Curtis had a triple role: a womanizing jazz saxophonist named Joe, who rechristens himself "Josephine" in the female orchestra and also pretends to be a sexually unresponsive oil heir in order to entice a golddigging singer played by Monroe.

    Tony Curtis, 'beefcake' actor of more than 100 movies, dies T. Rees Shapiro 2010

  • Feminists golddigging our way into Obama's heart - Feministing

    Feminists golddigging our way into Obama's heart - Feministing 2009

  • Mr. Curtis had a triple role: a womanizing jazz saxophonist named Joe, who rechristens himself "Josephine" in the female orchestra and also pretends to be a sexually unresponsive oil heir in order to entice a golddigging singer (played by Marilyn Monroe).

    Tony Curtis dies at 85: Iconic actor starred in 'Some Like It Hot' Adam Bernstein 2010


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