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  • _ A good while ago, grand-papa had two nice little pigs, and they one day found some paint in a pot, and thinking it something nice, they ate it.

    Domestic Pleasures, or, the Happy Fire-side Frances Bowyer Vaux

  • She had told her joy in lisping accents to "Dolly," whose stoical indifference was very provoking, especially when she knew she was going to see "her dear, white-haired old grand-papa," who had never yet looked upon her sweet face; although pen and ink had long since heralded her polite perfections.

    Little Ferns For Fanny's Little Friends Fanny Fern

  • French, said to him, "But, grand-papa, you always applauded the loudest when they were praising you!"

    More Toasts Marion Dix [Editor] Mosher

  • _ Oh, well then, the white-lead that was in the paint, poisoned these poor little pigs; and grand-papa had them buried in the orchard, and wrote the verses, which mamma taught me, over their grave.

    Domestic Pleasures, or, the Happy Fire-side Frances Bowyer Vaux

  • "Oh, yes, frequently! she always said, had you been at home, you would have brought about a reconciliation with grand-papa."

    A Book for the Young Sarah French

  • I am an epidemic, grand-papa, a scourge, such as the world has not known.

    Zuleika Dobson, or, an Oxford love story Max Beerbohm 1914

  • "Oh grand-papa, do you really mean that?" she cried eagerly.

    Zuleika Dobson, or, an Oxford love story Max Beerbohm 1914

  • "But suppose, grand-papa" -- and, seeing in fancy the vast agitated flotilla of crinolines, she could not forbear a smile -- "suppose all the young ladies of that period had drowned themselves for love of you?"

    Zuleika Dobson, or, an Oxford love story Max Beerbohm 1914

  • But when, at the close of her confidences, she said, "So you see it's a case of sheer heredity, grand-papa," the word "Fiddlesticks!" would out.

    Zuleika Dobson, or, an Oxford love story Max Beerbohm 1914

  • "Oh grand-papa, do you really mean that?" she cried eagerly.

    Zuleika Dobson 1911


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