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  • In 1806 the grandduchy of Berg was bestowed upon him; in 1808 he was proclaimed King of the Two Sicilies, as Joachim 1st, and took possession of Naples.

    The Letter-Bag of Lady Elizabeth Spencer-Stanhope — Volume 1 A. M. W. [Compiler] Stirling

  • The duke, Peter, was nearly related to the emperor of Russia, and Napoleon, notwithstanding his declared readiness to grant a compensation, refused to allow it to consist of the grandduchy of Warsaw, and proposed a duchy of Erfurt, as yet uncreated, which Russia scornfully rejected.

    Germany from the Earliest Period Volume 4 Wolfgang Menzel 1835

  • Russia received the grandduchy of Warsaw, which was raised to a kingdom of Poland, but was not united with Lithuania,

    Germany from the Earliest Period Volume 4 Wolfgang Menzel 1835

  • Poland was not restored, but a petty grandduchy of Warsaw was erected, which Frederick Augustus, elector of Saxony, received, together with the royal dignity.

    Germany from the Earliest Period Volume 4 Wolfgang Menzel 1835

  • Volhynia, Schwarzenberg had zealously endeavored to spare his troops, [18] and had, by his retreat toward the grandduchy of Warsaw, left Tschitschakow at liberty to turn his arms against Napoleon, against whom Wittgenstein also advanced in the design of blocking up his route, while Kutusow incessantly assailed his flank and rear.

    Germany from the Earliest Period Volume 4 Wolfgang Menzel 1835

  • Of the remaining six imperial free cities, Augsburg and Nuremberg fell to Bavaria; Frankfort, under the title of grandduchy, to the ancient elector of Mayence, who was again transferred thither from Ratisbon.

    Germany from the Earliest Period Volume 4 Wolfgang Menzel 1835

  • The grandduchy of Tuscany and the duchies of Modena, Parma, and Placentia were, moreover, restored to the collateral branches of the house of Habsburg. [

    Germany from the Earliest Period Volume 4 Wolfgang Menzel 1835

  • Hungary summoned the whole of her male population, the insurrection, as it was termed, to the field.] [Footnote 18: Russia was to receive the whole of Poland, the grandduchy of Warsaw was to be annihilated.

    Germany from the Earliest Period Volume 4 Wolfgang Menzel 1835


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