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  • Cette dernière, construite en Oxfordshire (Angleterre) fut un don que la nation reconnaissante fit à John Churchill pour avoir vaincu la France de Louis XIV (la plus grande victoire britannique depuis la bataille d'Azincourt) et la Bavière à la bataille de Blenheim (graphie anglaise de Blindheim, en Autriche).

    Archive 2010-05-01 Rene Meertens 2010

  • The closest terms are cartogram (a map showing statistics geographically) - from the French carte and gramme; cartographer (one that makes maps), and cartography (the science or art of making maps) again referencing the french word carte card, map + graphie - more at CARD.

    Archive 2008-02-01 Jan 2008

  • This work was finally brought to a happy conclusion by Dom Schmitt, and Dom Mocqucreau, the prior of Solesmes, who in 1889 began his monumental work, the Paleo-graphie Musicals, of which nine volumes had appeared in 1906.

    Musicians of To-Day Rolland, Romain, 1866-1944 1915

  • Tha'z astonizhing that _anybody_ could do that, an 'leas' of all "[confronting Chester]" the daughter of a papa an 'gran'papa with such a drama-tique bio-graphie!

    The Flower of the Chapdelaines George Washington Cable 1884

  • Aline ought to 'ave tell you that bio-graphie, yes!

    The Flower of the Chapdelaines George Washington Cable 1884

  • She had aided him in his exten - sive translations from the French, such as the Bio - graphie Universelle Classique.

    De la philosophie de la nature 1770

  • She had aided him in his exten - sive translations from the French, such as the Bio - graphie Universelle Classique.

    De la philosophie de la nature 1770

  • a graphie fidelity in his descriptions, which make the reader feel himself to be a présent spectator of the objects and occurrences he describes ...

    De la philosophie de la nature 1770


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