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  • A MailChimp API client greatape is a minimalist client library for version 1.2 of the MailChimp API, written in Python.

    Softpedia - Windows - All Softpedia Linux 2010

  • It was very much inspired by Mike Verdone's ` Twitter client library ` _ in that it does a bit of mucky, dynamic business with __getattr__ to avoid having to actually write code for all the methods that the API provides. greatape is pretty darned easy to use.

    Softpedia - Windows - All Softpedia Linux 2010

  • A MailChimp API client greatape is a minimalist client library for version 1.2 of the MailChimp API, written in Python.

    Softpedia - Windows - All Softpedia Linux 2010

  • It was very much inspired by Mike Verdone's ` Twitter client library ` _ in that it does a bit of mucky, dynamic business with __getattr__ to avoid having to actually write code for all the methods that the API provides. greatape is pretty darned easy to use.

    Softpedia - Windows - All Softpedia Linux 2010

  • A MailChimp API client greatape is a minimalist client library for version 1.2 of the MailChimp API, written in Python.

    Softpedia - Windows - All Softpedia Linux 2010

  • It was very much inspired by Mike Verdone's ` Twitter client library ` _ in that it does a bit of mucky, dynamic business with __getattr__ to avoid having to actually write code for all the methods that the API provides. greatape is pretty darned easy to use.

    Softpedia - Windows - All Softpedia Linux 2010


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