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  • La vidéo ci-après montre Sameer Mishra, âgée de 13 ans, qui épelle correctement le mot numnah, autre mot pour numdah, qui désigne un feutre grossier, et une selle de cheval ou un tapis brodé fabriqué dans cette matière.

    Archive 2010-07-01 Rene Meertens 2010

  • A caller to the Radio-Canada noon open-line program, Maisonneuve en direct, said bluntly: C'est grossier, ce que prétendent les Conservateurs.

    Archive 2008-09-01 2008

  • On a day when her parents had gone to dine in the world (and I am grieved to say that a grossier dinner at a restaurateur, in the Boulevard, or in the Palais Royal seemed to form the delights of these unrefined persons), the charming Miss entertained some comrades of the pension; and I advised myself to send up a little repast suitable to so delicate young palates.

    The History of Pendennis 2006

  • A ce troupeau grossier, et mené par des pasteurs grossiers, on chercherait avec peine quelques sentiments élevés, en dehors du courage personnel.

    Collections and Recollections George William Erskine Russell 1886

  • As soon as these disappear behind us, various sandstones begin to crop up, allied to the coarsest _calcaire grossier_.

    History Of Egypt, Chaldæa, Syria, Babylonia, and Assyria, Volume 1 (of 12) M. L. McClure 1881

  • They were originally, like those of Syracuse, quarries for the construction of the _calcaire grossier_ for building the city, down to the seventeenth century.

    Castles and Cave Dwellings of Europe 1879

  • "Why don't you leave me alone?" returned Paulina Karpovna, and turning to Raisky she added: "_Est-il bête, grossier_."

    The Precipice Ivan Aleksandrovich Goncharov 1851

  • On a day when her parents had gone to dine in the world (and I am grieved to say that a grossier dinner at a restaurateur, in the Boulevard, or in the Palais Royal seemed to form the delights of these unrefined persons), the charming Miss entertained some comrades of the pension; and I advised myself to send up a little repast suitable to so delicate young palates.

    The History of Pendennis William Makepeace Thackeray 1837

  • We have ascertained that, in Eocene strata older than the gypsum of Paris, no less than four distinct sets of placental mammalia have flourished; namely, first, those of the Headon series in the Isle of Wight, from which fourteen species have been procured; secondly, those of the antecedent Bagshot and Bracklesham beds, which have yielded, together with the contemporaneous "calcaire grossier" of

    The Antiquity of Man Charles Lyell 1836

  • Eocene shells of the _Calcaire grossier_, we find ourselves among well nigh as large a group of yet other and older strangers, not one of which we are able to identify with any shell now living in the British area.

    The Testimony of the Rocks or, Geology in Its Bearings on the Two Theologies, Natural and Revealed Hugh Miller 1829


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