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  • But the draft impact statement finds "none to negligible" effect on ground- and surface water from uranium mining.

    Salazar's Priorities 2011

  • To cite another, the Obama Administration has also pivoted from ground- to sea-based missile defenses.

    Admiral Obama 2012

  • Many ground- or shrub-foraging birds also find safe feeding in the sedge meadow.

    The Field Guide to Wildlife Habitats of the Eastern United States Janine M. Benyus 1989

  • Many ground- or shrub-foraging birds also find safe feeding in the sedge meadow.

    The Field Guide to Wildlife Habitats of the Eastern United States Janine M. Benyus 1989

  • Many ground- or shrub-foraging birds also find safe feeding in the sedge meadow.

    The Field Guide to Wildlife Habitats of the Eastern United States Janine M. Benyus 1989

  • Its run-down, worn out structures - with sand and woodchips on the ground- are wrapped entirely by an 18-foot chain-link fence. Top Stories 2011

  • The company's primary products are satellites and launch vehicles, including low-Earth orbit, geosynchronous-Earth orbit and planetary exploration spacecraft for communications, remote sensing, scientific and defense missions; human-rated space systems for Earth-orbit, lunar and other missions; ground- and air-launched rockets that deliver satellites into orbit; and missile defense systems that are used as interceptor and target vehicles.

    Reuters: Press Release 2011

  • Before the Dawn mission, images of Vesta were obtained by ground- and space-based telescopes but did not show much surface detail.

    CBC | Top Stories News 2011

  • Before the Dawn mission, images of Vesta were obtained by ground- and space-based telescopes but did not show much surface detail.

    The Seattle Times 2011

  • The company's primary products are satellites and launch vehicles, including low-Earth orbit, geosynchronous-Earth orbit and planetary exploration spacecraft for communications, remote sensing, scientific and defense missions; human-rated space systems for Earth-orbit, lunar and other missions; ground- and air-launched rockets that deliver satellites into orbit; and missile defense systems that are used as interceptor and target vehicles.

    Reuters: Press Release 2011


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