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  • We have had the right to keep and bear arms for far longer than the NRA has existed -- and fortunately enough guntoting Democrats finally saw through their hysteria.

    Riflemaker Sacked For Supporting Obama Dave Hurteau 2008

  • In large swarthes of the country, I think that the lionization of this behavior of which the guntoting is only one small manifestation, but not even the most confrontational is mainstream in the Red parts of the country anyway.

    Néojaponisme » Blog Archive » Otaku and Zen Buddhism? 2009

  • I was trying to formulate a way to explain how I knew this without calling Kimberly a lying lush to her guntoting dads face, having it come out that I had been out with Colin, losing my best friend, and getting kicked off the track team, all at the same time, when there was a knock at the door.

    What Would Emma Do? Eileen Cook 2008

  • The world had fallen apart today, and just when she thought it could unravel no further, that she had no more naïveté or innocence to scour away, it had come to this: riding in an elevator full of guntoting teenagers intent upon killing her father.

    Soulless Christopher Golden 2008

  • I was trying to formulate a way to explain how I knew this without calling Kimberly a lying lush to her guntoting dads face, having it come out that I had been out with Colin, losing my best friend, and getting kicked off the track team, all at the same time, when there was a knock at the door.

    What Would Emma Do? Eileen Cook 2008

  • I was trying to formulate a way to explain how I knew this without calling Kimberly a lying lush to her guntoting dads face, having it come out that I had been out with Colin, losing my best friend, and getting kicked off the track team, all at the same time, when there was a knock at the door.

    What Would Emma Do? Eileen Cook 2008

  • The world had fallen apart today, and just when she thought it could unravel no further, that she had no more naïveté or innocence to scour away, it had come to this: riding in an elevator full of guntoting teenagers intent upon killing her father.

    Soulless Christopher Golden 2008

  • The world had fallen apart today, and just when she thought it could unravel no further, that she had no more naïveté or innocence to scour away, it had come to this: riding in an elevator full of guntoting teenagers intent upon killing her father.

    Soulless Christopher Golden 2008

  • “Thank you,” I say, put the revolver away, and leave his bar, vanishing out into the creeping, cold Belfast night with all the other guntoting villains.

    The Bloomsday Dead Adrian McKinty 2007

  • One of the first things he did when they formed the FBI and gave them arrest powers and they got guntoting ability all was he uniformed everything, and that's what you really want.

    Oral History Interview with John Ledford, January 3, 2001. Interview K-0251. Southern Oral History Program Collection (#4007) 2001


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