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  • Yes | No | Report from peter wrote 37 weeks 14 hours ago we cant let ur gurd down. the only reason obama didnt throw every gun in america into the ocean is because many people are showing him ther love of guns and hate of gun regulations as soon as people stop doin this he will feel comfortable about not gettin people mad and will put tons of unjust regulatiions up

    On Obama And Gun Control 2009

  • Nov 68 - escaped 45 days later from Hanoi Hilton - killed 17 yr old gurd in the escape; joined Army - wears

    Heroes or Villains? 2010

  • Yes | No | Report from peter wrote 37 weeks 14 hours ago we cant let ur gurd down. the only reason obama didnt throw every gun in america into the ocean is because many people are showing him ther love of guns and hate of gun regulations as soon as people stop doin this he will feel comfortable about not gettin people mad and will put tons of unjust regulatiions up

    On Obama And Gun Control 2009

  • CALLER: I have type one diabetes, and in addition I have symptoms of asthma that my physician has related to as silent gurd.

    CNN Transcript Mar 5, 2003 2003

  • Gurd, this is esophageal reflux, and sometimes the symptoms of gurd can masquerade as asthma because it's -- actually that irritation which is producing the cough.

    CNN Transcript Mar 5, 2003 2003

  • Observed the tree called gharod, or gharoth, or gurd; it bears a seed-pod which is used in tanning leather, from its great astringency.

    Travels in the Great Desert of Sahara, in the Years of 1845 and 1846 James Richardson 1828

  • And Rose is so passive because he's a damn point gurd, second year point guard at that.

    HoopsVibe 2009

  • Yes, these force are Hun Sen's body gurd only, their goggles can only see dolars, dolars. .and nice looking young lady only.

    KI Media 2008

  • Given our domestic / financial "crises" unless Osama's head was delivered to Bush I can't think of any pressing issue that MAY catch me off gurd. News 2008

  • Even more scary one of them is a gurd for a nuke plant … Don’t the powers that hire these people ever do security check’s any more.?

    Think Progress » Christian Hate Group ‘Repent Amarillo’ Terrorizes Texas Town, Harassing Gays, Liberals, And Other ‘Sinners’ 2010


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