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  • I do not think that calling Chavez a totalitarian dictator will be enough to win the election, but it should at least allow for a rally of the thinking opposition away from mundane issue towards the real sacrifices that will be required to remove from office this infamous second tier petty political class that has made it on the coattails of the “mas gran hablador de paja” biggest B.S. speaker that has ever occupied the Miraflores seat.

    Black-mail time in Venezuela 2006

  • I do not think that calling Chavez a totalitarian dictator will be enough to win the election, but it should at least allow for a rally of the thinking opposition away from mundane issue towards the real sacrifices that will be required to remove from office this infamous second tier petty political class that has made it on the coattails of the “mas gran hablador de paja” biggest B.S. speaker that has ever occupied the Miraflores seat.

    07/16/2006 - 07/23/2006 2006

  • 25 Mas ¡quién ahora me diese un pájaro hablador, siquiera fuese calandria, page 8

    Modern Spanish Lyrics 1899

  • [Footnote 177: Documentos ineditos, vol. X, p. 385: 'Item ello en si no tiene ninguna verosimilitud ni apariencia de verdad porque? en que seso cabe que un hombre que no es hablador ni le tienen por tonto, habia de decir un desatino semejante, y en un lugar tan publico como es un convite?

    Fray Luis de Leon Fitzmaurice-Kelly, James 1921


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