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  • The Books of Chronicles are ranked among the khethubim or hagiographa.

    Easton's Bible Dictionary M.G. Easton 1897

  • The book of Esther is placed among the hagiographa by the

    Smith's Bible Dictionary 1884

  • An analogy drawn from the secondary part of the canon, the prophets and hagiographa, is applied without consideration to the primary part, the Torah of Moses.

    Prolegomena Julius Wellhausen 1881

  • The notion of the canon proceeds entirely from that of the written Torah; the prophets and the hagiographa are also called Torah by the Jews, though not Torah of Moses.

    Prolegomena Julius Wellhausen 1881

  • The same writer states (pp. 336, 339) that while Karlstadt classed some of the Apocrypha, as” hagiographa extra canonem,” he called these supplements to Daniel, with the Prayer of Manasses, and others as” plane apocryphos.”

    The Three Additions to Daniel: A Study. 1906


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