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  • BUT,, this IS america.. so you do have the opportunity to take your halcion, sleep on a tempurpedic mattress with some special pad, and form fitting pillow.. and sleep. wake up to your dose of provigil and get the hell to work.

    Provigil: As American as Apple Pie Mother Jones RN 2008

  • They had an abundance of propoganda, which she shoved into my bag, scornfully radiating her brainwashed, and halcion fueled sanctimony.

    Grassfed Bison 2006

  • Tomorrow I go to the neurological sleep specialist .. hopefully he'll be able to figure out why it is that I cant sleep well, even taking 2x the dose of halcion that I should be taking.

    terrarose Diary Entry terrarose 2003

  • "Examples of the tragedies caused by the scientific fraud that is vivisection include thalidomide and roaccutane which caused horrific birth deformities, clioquinol which causes blindness in humans, and the sleeping tablet halcion which caused serious mental disturbances," Miller, a zoology honours graduate, said.

    ANC Daily News Briefing 1996

  • The time has been when there was scarcely an old field whose bosom was not enlivened by a country school, whose gayfull numbers at their halcion meridian, enlivened the sterility of the field, or gladdened the solitude of the woods with their schoolboy's note.

    The Beginnings of Public Education in North Carolina; A Documentary History, 1790-1840. Vol. I Charles Lee 1908

  • The magazine came out during the halcion days of Rocktober; actually, the same day the Rockies finished sweeping Arizona in the NLCS.

    Denver Post: News: Breaking: Local 2010

  • Lot's of future documdramas in tear filled grief at the loss of the halcion days of being on the brink of a golden era halcion days Hianas Port (or should that be Westport) - 3,4,5,6,7,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,27,28,29,30,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,41,42,48,49,50,52 2009

  • Oh that’s right … Ol’ Dubya cut off all their stem cell research funding and I heard most of their disposable income goes to pay for the halcion daze they read about in their high school English lit classes.

    Think Progress » Drudge Falsely Smears Gore 2006

  • (halcion-nightmare) send to a friend subscription other artwork from halcion slashdot it digg it del. Content 2010

  • (halcion-nightmare) send to a friend subscription other artwork from halcion slashdot it digg it del. Content 2010


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