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  • We stopped at one joint for midye dolmasi (mussel meat filled with cinnamon spiced rice and drenched in fresh lemon juice), found ourselves eating minced meat and pepper sandwiches from a cart, and rounded it out at a little open storefront with breaded and pan fried hamsi (fresh anchovies, which are in season during the fall.)

    Anne Peterson: Eat Your Way Through Istanbul (PHOTOS) Anne Peterson 2011

  • "We should put three hamsi Black Sea anchovies in a can, squirt some sauce on it and sell it to the Americans."

    Anglers Are in Dire Straits Along Istanbul's Bosphorus Marc Champion 2011

  • We stopped at one joint for midye dolmasi (mussel meat filled with cinnamon spiced rice and drenched in fresh lemon juice), found ourselves eating minced meat and pepper sandwiches from a cart, and rounded it out at a little open storefront with breaded and pan fried hamsi (fresh anchovies, which are in season during the fall.)

    The Full Feed from Anne Peterson 2011

  • In Turkey, anchovies are called Hamsi (pronounced HAHM-see); veteran Food Junta blogger Wills and I made hamsi in Turkey, and we think you should too, anywhere - you're in for easy cooking and simple, finger-licking eating. News 2009

  • Now you see a headless hamsi with a white belly made of just flimsy skin. News 2009

  • Wills and I were excited that our hamsi came from the styrofoam bin of an Istanbul fish market stall - the hamsi were caught that day, and still glistened with brackish water from the Marmara Sea. News 2009

  • If your fish-monger hides behind bullet-proof glass at Safeway, do this: at the sink, with sleeves rolled up, take one hamsi. News 2009

  • Consider hamsi the tip of a Turkish culinary iceberg. News 2009

  • And, unlike the endless and titillating experimentation of American cuisine, hamsi hasn't changed. mayhane (MAY-hah-nay), which means "joy / fun house." News 2009

  • Carrying on centuries of tradition, Wills and I made hamsi in my Istanbul apartment for New Year's. News 2009


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