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  • As a result, the recognition of work accidents was extended to those incurred by workers in activities in which workers had to participate despite their non-official character, such as staff-consolidation days and “happy-days” organized by their workplace.

    Elisheva Barak-Ussoskin. 2009

  • Newsweek's Fareed Zakaria -- as he proved again by leading the way for the happy-days chorus with an article in June with the incredible title "A Capitalist Manifesto: Greed is Good (to a point)."

    Recent articles from Adam Turl and Alan Maass 2009

  • "zone_info": "huffpost. living/blog; featured-posts = 1; living = 1; nickname = richard-laermer; entry_id = 153677; gyms = 1; happy-days = 1; new-years-commentary = 1; new-years-resolutions = 1; obama = 1; optimism = 1; pessimism = 1; recession = 1",

    Richard Laermer: Resolve to Be Pessimistic: An Eager Lesson for 2009 2009

  • HPConfig. blog_id = 0; var ads_page_type = 'bpage'; var zone_info = "huffpost. living/blog; featured-posts = 1; living = 1; nickname = richard-laermer; entry_id = 153677; gyms = 1; happy-days = 1; new-years-commentary = 1; new-years-resolutions = 1; obama = 1; optimism = 1; pessimism = 1; recession = 1"; if (top!

    Richard Laermer: Resolve to Be Pessimistic: An Eager Lesson for 2009 2009


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