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  • Tibetan eared-pheasant (Crossoptilon harmani) and the closely related white eared-pheasant (Crossoptilon crossoptilon) are also reported from steppe habitat at the lower end of the Tsangpo River Valley.

    Yarlung Zambo arid steppe 2008

  • Tibetan eared-pheasant (Crossoptilon harmani) and the closely related white eared-pheasant (Crossoptilon crossoptilon) are seen in steppe habitat at the lower end of the Tsangpo River Valley.

    Yarlung Zambo arid steppe 2008

  • Both of these, the vulnerable Tibetan eared-pheasant (Crossoptilon harmani) and the closely related white-eared pheasant (Crossoptilon crossoptilon) are reported to be locally common.

    Northeastern Himalayan subalpine conifer forests 2008

  • The Tibetan Plateau is home to a variety of endemic and near-endemic bird species which include the following: Bar-hooded Goose (Anser indicus), Tibetan Snowcock (Tetraogallus tibetanus), Giant Babax (Babax waddelli) Tibetan Eared Pheasant (Crossoptilon harmani), and Tibetan Sandgrouse (Syrrhaptes tibetanus).

    Qilian Mountains conifer forests 2007

  • Endangered birds include the cinereous vulture Aegypius monachus (VU), whitetailed sea-eagle Haliaeetus albicilla VU), the Chinese monal pheasant Lophophorus lhuysii (VU), white-eared pheasant Crossoptilon crossoptilon (VU) and Tibetan eared pheasant Crossoptilon harmani.

    The Sichuan Giant Panda Sanctuaries, China 2009


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