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  • Marcas de alfajores milka, terrabusi, bagley, capitan del espacio, havanna y balcarce.

    Live Links for the Food Blog Awards FJK 2007

  • He had detected me asleep, and touched off the gun with his _havanna_!

    Captain Canot or, Twenty Years of an African Slaver Theodore Canot

  • My princely _havanna_ fell unheeded on the marble pavement of the

    Much Darker Days Andrew Lang 1878

  • Then I lighted a princely _havanna_, blaming myself for profaning the scented air from _el Cuadro de Leicester_.

    Much Darker Days Andrew Lang 1878

  • Upon my refusal, he carefully twirled round a very uninviting specimen of some fabulous havanna, moistened it all over, as a boa-constrictor may do the ox he prepares for deglutition, bit off one end, and lighting the other from a little machine for that purpose which he drew from his pocket, he was soon absorbed in a vigorous effort (which the damp inherent in the weed long resisted) to poison the surrounding atmosphere.

    The Caxtons — Complete Edward Bulwer Lytton Lytton 1838

  • © 2002 by the Archaeological Institute of America www. html

    Saving Old Havanna 2002

  • -- then don't spend your time discussing the 'Negro Problem' amid the clouds of your fine havanna, ensconced in your friend's well - cushioned arm-chair and with your patent leather boot-tips elevated to the opposite

    A Voice From the South Anna Julia 1892


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