
from The Century Dictionary.

  • Heathenish.

from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • adjective archaic heathen
  • adverb In a heathen manner.


from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License

heathen +‎ -ly


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  • And she was his; his not only for the dangers he had faced to have her, but his because he was a Greek, because his heart beat with a strain of the ancient sculptor's blood; because his treasure was the goddess of his far forefathers, who had made her in the image of the loveliness they adored; because he worshipped her himself, more than half heathenly; but doubly his now, because his imagination had found her likeness in the outer world, clothed, breathing and alive, and created for him only.

    Fair Margaret A Portrait Horace T. [Illustrator] Carpenter 1881


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