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  • And if heavilyarmed gardaí have to beat up Van Morrison then so be it; and if Neil Jordan has the audacity to film the scenes he'll face the full rigours of the law in Dublin Circuit Criminal Court.

    Shell to Sea s2sadmin 2010

  • And if heavilyarmed gardaí have to beat up Van Morrison then so be it; and if Neil Jordan has the audacity to film the scenes he'll face the full rigours of the law in Dublin Circuit Criminal Court.

    Shell to Sea s2sadmin 2010

  • And if heavilyarmed gardaí have to beat up Van Morrison then so be it; and if Neil Jordan has the audacity to film the scenes he'll face the full rigours of the law in Dublin Circuit Criminal Court.

    Shell to Sea s2sadmin 2010

  • And if heavilyarmed gardaí have to beat up Van Morrison then so be it; and if Neil Jordan has the audacity to film the scenes he'll face the full rigours of the law in Dublin Circuit Criminal Court.

    Shell to Sea s2sadmin 2010


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