hermaphroditically love



from The Century Dictionary.

  • As a hermaphrodite.

from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • adverb In a hermaphroditic manner.


from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License

hermaphroditic +‎ -ally


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  • For nature hates that any principle should breed, so to speak, hermaphroditically, but will give to each an help meet for it which shall cross it and be the undoing of it; as in the case of descent with modification, of which the essence is that every offspring resembles its parents, and yet, at the same time, that no offspring resembles its parents.

    Selections from Previous Works and Remarks on Romanes' Mental Evolution in Animals Samuel Butler 1868

  • For nature hates that any principle should breed, so to speak, hermaphroditically, but will give to each an help meet for it which shall cross it and be the undoing of it; as in the case of descent with modification, of which the essence would appear to be that every offspring should resemble its parents, and yet, at the same time, that no offspring should resemble its parents.

    Life and Habit Samuel Butler 1868

  • However unite not the vices of both sexes in one; be not monstrous in iniquity, nor hermaphroditically vitious.

    Christian Morals 1605-1682 1863

  • Habit, "hates that any principle should breed hermaphroditically, but will give to each an helpmeet for it which shall cross it and be the undoing of it; and in the undoing, do; and in the doing, undo, and so ad infinitum.

    Luck or Cunning? Samuel Butler 1868


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