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  • In 1861, for example, Prof.Dr. Wilhelm Binder came up with “… herrlich bei Enkeln einst/Wächst mein Rame” (from herrlich = glorious, magnificent, even lovely; bei Enkeln = among descendants; einst = some day (implying “with luck,” a nice touch); wachsen = to grow, lengthen, broaden, and/or shoot up, so Wächst mein Rame = my fame shall grow).

    postera crescam laude 2009

  • Vom kopf zum herrlich schlanken bein ein zartes wesen, böser duft hüllt ihren braunen körper ein

    Mutual admiration | 2008

  • In her [537] Chorale Book and set to the old tune "[538] Erschienen ist der herrlich Tag," [190] [539] Miss Winkworth gives the following arrangement of her ten-stanza version:

    Paul Gerhardt as a Hymn Writer and his Influence on English Hymnody 1976

  • The melody is from Mozart's _Magic Flute_, 'Das klinget so herrlich' -- a chorus with glockenspiel accompaniment.

    Charles Dickens and Music James T. Lightwood

  • "Was man Schicksale zu nennen pflegt, habe ich wenige gehabt, aber erfahren habe ich dennoch viel und mehr als mancher durch seine glänzenden Schicksale erfahren mag: nämlich die Führungen der ewigen Liebe habe ich erfahren, die keinen verlässt. und alles herrlich hinausfuhrt."

    Graf von Loeben and the Legend of Lorelei Allen Wilson Porterfield

  • The _Trinklieder_ (Drinking Songs) were prosopopeia to wine and the bowl: _ "Du, herrlich Glas ..."

    Jean-Christophe, Volume I Romain Rolland 1905

  • Rabenstein this morning, and that the _Aussicht_ was _prachtvoll_ and the _Luft herrlich_, but that they must decline to go farther afield this afternoon as the morning's exertions have tired them.

    Home Life in Germany Alfred Sidgwick 1894

  • The world for him was _herrlich wie am ersten Tag_ -- 'this goodly frame the earth, this most excellent canopy the air, this brave o'erhanging firmament, this majestical roof fretted with golden fire.'

    Shakespearean Tragedy Lectures on Hamlet, Othello, King Lear, Macbeth 1893

  • Credimus, docemus et confitemur, discrimen Legis et Evangelii, ut clarissimum quoddam lumen [ein besonder herrlich Licht], I.

    The Creeds of the Evangelical Protestant Churches. 1889

  • Wie herrlich strahlt der Morgenstern, [1425] h036-p3. 1

    The Chorale Book for England 1863


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