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  • A cousin of the more familiar Windsor highback, the Atlantic Lowback is constructed by a local maker from three locally-sourced woods—pine, maple and ash—as per the recipe for Windsors for 300 years.

    Fresh Picks 2011

  • She folds her long, slender limbs into one of the highback chairs, and talks easily about her latest film, The Kids Are All Right, a hit at the Sundance film festival earlier this year, which has been picking up praise ever since.

    Julianne Moore: 'I'm going to cry. Sorry' Kira Cochrane 2010

  • Also, the Dorel/Safety 1st Prospect and Intera, as well as the Evenflo Big Kid Confidence, were in the worst list when used in highback versions, and the Safety Angel Ride Ryte was when used backless.

    New Questions on Booster Seats 2008

  • The Safeguard Go made the "best bets" list when used in its backless mode, and the highback versions of the Volvo booster and Britax Monarch made the list.

    New Questions on Booster Seats 2008

  • It's the communal stillness of highback Shaker chairs in which sit the deceased of Grover's Corner (Our Town).

    Picture Envy for January 18, 2005 2005

  • So one day the master was driving with Ivan to the town in his three-horse sledge with bells and a highback covered with carpet.

    A Desperate Character 2006

  • There was a large matching hutch filled with glasses and dishes on one side and serving tables, highback chairs, a wall mirror, and two chandeliers as well.

    Brooke V.C. Andrews 1998

  • It was Saturday; Polly would have had her first session with the portrait artist, wearing her blue silk dress, sitting in a highback Windsor in front of leather-bound books inherited from the family of her late husband, and holding a volume of Hamlet.

    The Cat Who Sang For The Birds Braun, Lilian Jackson 1998

  • There was a large matching hutch filled with glasses and dishes on one side and serving tables, highback chairs, a wall mirror, and two chandeliers as well.

    Brooke V.C. Andrews 1998

  • Lim Din gave him the brandy that was already poured and bowed him into the highback leather chair and hurried away.

    Tai-Pan Clavell, James 1966


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