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  • Fifteen minutes later she was on the street, a tall, slender young woman of thirty-two, dressed in a black fur-collared suit and highheeled boots, wearing dark sunglasses, her designer shoulder bag in hand, her auburn hair blowing across her shoulders as she stepped down from the curb to hail a cab.

    'I'll Walk Alone' 2011

  • Then there is the clown look, the metro-sexual highheeled loafer look, the hipster/slacker bowling shoe look.

    Shoe Shopping...bane of my existence. A rant. Riddled with profanity. wendigomountain 2008

  • The tutor would actually set the boys in separate rooms in the old manor and conduct their lessons separately for hours, moving from one part of the second floor of the old wing to the next, his highheeled buckled shoes echoing on the ancient oak floors.

    The Terror Simmons, Dan 2007

  • Joyce wheeled around on her highheeled boots and swished out the door.

    Seven Up Evanovich, Janet 2001

  • She wanted to break into a run, but pride and the impracticality of trying to run in highheeled shoes kept her at a fast walk, her shoulders squared and her head high.

    Silver Wings, Santiago Blue Janet Dailey 1984

  • She wanted to break into a run, but pride and the impracticality of trying to run in highheeled shoes kept her at a fast walk, her shoulders squared and her head high.

    Silver Wings, Santiago Blue Janet Dailey 1984

  • She wanted to break into a run, but pride and the impracticality of trying to run in highheeled shoes kept her at a fast walk, her shoulders squared and her head high.

    Silver Wings, Santiago Blue Janet Dailey 1984

  • She wanted to break into a run, but pride and the impracticality of trying to run in highheeled shoes kept her at a fast walk, her shoulders squared and her head high.

    Silver Wings, Santiago Blue Janet Dailey 1984

  • Elene raised her left foot, planted a highheeled shoe between Sonja's breasts and pushed Sonja backward.

    The Key to Rebecca Follett, Ken, 1949- 1980

  • Many Dwarfs escaped in the great battles and lived on, shaving their beards and wearing highheeled shoes and pretending to be men.

    Prince Caspian Lewis, C. S. 1951


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