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  • Even Lady was little more than a hodcarrier on this job.

    Soldiers Live Cook, Glen 2000

  • It is well known to almost every one nowadays that _well-cooked_ food, whether it be potatoes, meat and bread, fish, or anything else worthy the name of food, will well maintain, indefinitely, either the philosopher or the hodcarrier.

    Scientific American Supplement, No. 484, April 11, 1885 Various

  • Why, a Dago hodcarrier wouldn't be seen dead in 'em; look at th 'patches.

    The Definite Object A Romance of New York Jeffery Farnol 1915

  • When fifteen years of age he went to Athens and was employed as a hodcarrier on the Hospital for the Insane, then in course of building.

    Evidences of Progress Among Colored People G. F. Richings 1902

  • And yet there are many who believe that there is in fact no other fate for any man; that every business is in the long run a belittling business; that whether you are a hodcarrier or a poet, as you go on in your calling, "shades of the prison-house" will close upon you and custom lie upon you "heavy as frost and deep almost as life."

    Modern American Prose Selections 1898

  • A hodcarrier was walking slowly along its outer wall with his heavy burden, and perhaps no object on the street was less remarked or of less interest to the passers-by, but I could not help thinking, as he plodded on, That is the way with character; we build it in littles, and without observation.

    Address Before The Second Biennial Convention Of The World's Woman's Christian Temperance Union 1893


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