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  • Depending on your school's payment policies you may also have to become an active tax payer with receipts called recibos de honorarios.

    How To Make Teaching English In Mexico A Reality, Part 1 2008

  • Depending on your school's payment policies you may also have to become an active tax payer with receipts called recibos de honorarios.

    How To Make Teaching English In Mexico A Reality, Part 1 2008

  • El Agente Aduanal cobrará sus honorarios, independientemente de las contribuciones derivadas de la importación definitiva de la pick up.

    the link to "cost to import a vehicle"? 2003

  • : The IMSS part confused me a bit, because as far as I know, all of us employed by the state university (Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán) except for those on honorarios have the university's medical insurance -- the way I understand it, instead of IMSS.

    Methods to be paid as an employee 1919

  • : People receiving honorarios are not employees, they are professional services and contractors, and thus are in theory prohibited from receiving any employee benefits like your "vales de dispensa" or food vouchers/coupons if I may attempt to translate.

    Methods to be paid as an employee 1919

  • The honorarios receipt will have space for each retention and will have been printed by S.C.H.P. (Hacienda) authorized printer.

    Honorarios 1919

  • You are required to retain, probably 10% ISR and 10% IVA for most categories of honorarios.

    Honorarios 1919

  • People receiving honorarios are not employees, they are professional services and contractors, and thus are in theory prohibited from receiving any employee benefits like your "vales de dispensa" or food vouchers/coupons if I may attempt to translate.

    Methods to be paid as an employee 1919

  • The IMSS part confused me a bit, because as far as I know, all of us employed by the state university (Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán) except for those on honorarios have the university's medical insurance -- the way I understand it, instead of IMSS.

    Methods to be paid as an employee 1919

  • However, can someone explain the basic methods of payment (honorarios, etc.) in somewhat simple terms?

    Methods to be paid as an employee 1919


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