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  • Back in WW2 quite a few bomb disposal people got hostil receptions - especially in Wales according to Syme. on January 2, 2008 at 6: 38 am | Reply Big City PC

    An army of one. « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG Inspector Gadget 2008

  • Unsurprisingly, then, reaction to MacAskill's decision has split along partisan grounds: SNP supporters think he did well; those most hostil to the nationalists - such as Brother Nelson - are appalled.

    John Terry’s sacking as England captain tells us something interesting... 2009

  • Unsurprisingly, then, reaction to MacAskill's decision has split along partisan grounds: SNP supporters think he did well; those most hostil to the nationalists - such as Brother Nelson - are appalled.

    Sending the Lockerbie Bomber Home 2009

  • Cuanto más se acercan a París, tanto más se mues tra hostil la población; suplica el rey que le den una esponja mojada para quitarse del rostro el polvo y la suciedad, y un empleado le responde con escarnio: « Eso es lo que se saca via jando».

    Archive 2008-09-14 de Brantigny........................ 2008

  • Cuanto más se acercan a París, tanto más se mues tra hostil la población; suplica el rey que le den una esponja mojada para quitarse del rostro el polvo y la suciedad, y un empleado le responde con escarnio: « Eso es lo que se saca via jando».

    El regresso de Brantigny........................ 2008

  • Axually Maus, when spelt rite, I has nebber encountered one ob dem dat I thot was even hostil much less savage.

    we’re in ur iliad stealin ur myths - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger? 2008

  • Our relations grew ever more hostile, and we arrived at that period when, not only did dissent provoke hostil - ity, but hostility provoked dissent.

    The Kreutzer Sonata and Other Stories [a machine-readable transcription] 1890

  • En Roma, a mi apuesta fiel, In Rome, faithful to our bet, fijé entre hostil y amatorio between quarreling and Love's net, en mi puerta este cartel: I posted a sign to let them know:

    Don Juan Tenorio Jos�� Zorrilla 1855

  • Sure, the hostil goddes have, to plague me, ordayned that fatal marridge, by which you are bound to one so infinitly below you in degree.

    Catherine: a story 1839

  • Sure, the hostil goddes have, to plague me, ordayned that fatal marridge, by which you are bound to one so infinitly below you in degree.

    Catherine: a Story William Makepeace Thackeray 1837


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