
from The Century Dictionary.

  • noun The resident surgeon in a hospital.


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  • If he was in the hospital and yet not on the staff he could only have been a house-surgeon or a house-physician -- little more than a senior student.

    The Seriously Deranged Writer and the Model Cars 2010

  • The house-surgeon at the hospital has just said that M. de Chandour will have a wry neck for the rest of his days.

    Two Poets 2007

  • The house-surgeon at the hospital has just said that M. de Chandour will have a wry neck for the rest of his days.

    Two Poets 2007

  • My house-surgeon, Mr. Hector Cameron, applied carbolic acid to the whole raw surface, and completed the dressing as if for compound fracture.

    On the Antiseptic Principle of the Practice of Surgery 2005

  • My house-surgeon, Mr. Hector Cameron, applied carbolic acid to the whole raw surface, and completed the dressing as if for compound fracture.

    On the Antiseptic Principle of the Practice of Surgery 2005

  • Once more he sat in the theatre, the breathless spectator of famous surgical operations; or as house-surgeon to the Lying-in Hospital himself assisted in daring attempts to lessen suffering and save life.

    Australia Felix 2003

  • Alleyn was escorted by the ward sister and a house-surgeon.

    Killer Dolphin Marsh, Ngaio, 1895-1982 1966

  • The young house-surgeon thought for a moment and then nodded to the sister, who folded back the bed-clothes.

    Killer Dolphin Marsh, Ngaio, 1895-1982 1966

  • The house-surgeon led him into an office at the entrance to the ward.

    Killer Dolphin Marsh, Ngaio, 1895-1982 1966

  • It is to the parasites of tuberculosis and cancers that I devote myself, and for seven years, that is, since I was house-surgeon, my comrades have called me the cancer topic.

    The French Immortals Series — Complete Various


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