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  • PETER EARNEST, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, INTERNATIONAL SPY MUSEUM: Well, much of what we're trying to show people is the reality of espionage, particularly what's called humint or human intelligence, spies, recruiting spies, running spies.

    CNN Transcript Aug 23, 2003 2003

  • One of the things that we have lacked in the Middle East, in Iraq and elsewhere, and obviously in Afghanistan, is what is called humint, human intelligence, and that's harmed our interests.

    CNN Transcript Nov 29, 2001 2001

  • None of the intelligence I saw subsequently in the 4½ years that I covered the issue, where I read on most days a thick folder of "humint" and "sigint" relating to Iraq, or the Joint Intelligence Committee assessments, during this period, substantially changed this assessment.

    Iraq war inquiry - Monday 12 July 2010

  • Furthermore, no matter how many people we field for the components of a "humint" (human intelligence) and "hearts and minds" campaign, they will be useless if they can't communicate with the locals.

    Derrick Crowe: Lawrence Korb is Wrong on Afghanistan 2009

  • These ranged from communications interceptions by the NSA to eyeball observations by intelligence agents, or 'humint' as it was known.

    Neurosurgical Intervention For Beginners 2009

  • At the low end, there are all manner of activities, from foot patrols, liaison and goodwill visits, training missions and what is known collectively as "humint" – human intelligence - the use of informers and the local population to provide detail on terrorist activities and their whereabouts.

    Are we a nation of mummy's boys? Richard 2006

  • The transformation of the mobile-lab intel from speculation to fact is a case study in the enduring fallibility of "humint," human intel-gathering -- and how U.S. agencies fail to communicate.


  • The bigger question is what this scandal does to the CIA's ability to develop essential "humint" (human intelligence).


  • Colonel Patrick Lang, a fluent Arabic-speaker who ran Middle Eastern "humint" (human intelligence) for the Defense Intelligence Agency in the early 1990s, told me that the lack of humint remains a problem.

    The Long Hunt for Osama 2004

  • Colonel Patrick Lang, a fluent Arabic-speaker who ran Middle Eastern "humint" (human intelligence) for the Defense Intelligence Agency in the early 1990s, told me that the lack of humint remains a problem.

    The Long Hunt for Osama 2004


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